Randy Cassingham’s Books

A list of “all” of Randy Cassingham’s books, This is True-related and otherwise.

ISBNs are different for printed and ebook versions, and are shown when available.

The year shown refers to date completed, not necessarily actual publication date.

  1. The Dvorak Keyboard: The Ergonomically Designed Keyboard, Now an American Standard (1986) ISBN 978-0-935309-10-2 (out of print)
  2. The Complete Back Issues of Dvorak Developments (1988), ISBN 978-0-935309-09-6 (out of print)
  3. This is True (v1): Deputy Kills Man With Hammer (1995) ISBN 978-0-935309-21-8 (paper), 978-0-935309-61-4 (ebook) (Order Info)
  4. This is True (v2): Glow-in-Dark Plants Could Help Farmers (1996) ISBN 978-0-935309-22-5 (paper), 978-0-935309-62-1 (ebook) (Order Info)
  5. This is True (v3): Pit Bulls Love You, Really (1997) ISBN 978-0-935309-23-2 (paper), 978-0-935309-63-8 (ebook) (Order Info)
  6. This is True (v4): Artificial Intelligence Like Real Thing (1998) ISBN 978-0-935309-24-9 (paper), 978-0-935309-64-5 (ebook) (Order Info)
  7. This is True (v5): Cost of Being Poor Rising (1999) ISBN 978-0-935309-25-6 (paper), 978-0-935309-64-5 (ebook) (Order Info)
  8. This is True (v6): Platform Shoes Claim Another Life (2000) ISBN 978-0-935309-26-3 (paper), 978-0-935309-66-9 (Order Info)
  9. Honorary Unsubscribe (v1): Recognizing the Unknown, the Forgotten, and the Obscure People who Had in Impact on Our Lives (1998-2000) ISBN 978-0-935309-13-3 (paper), 978-0-935309-01-0 (ebook) (Order Info)
  10. This is True (v7): Committee Names Committee (2001) ISBN 978-0-935309-27-0 (paper), 978-0-935309-67-6 (Order Info)
  11. The Best of HeroicStories (v1) (Editor, 2001) ISBN 978-0-935309-51-5 (Order Info)
  12. This is True (v8): Invisible Man Disappears From View (2002) ISBN 978-0-935309-28-7 (paper), 978-0-935309-68-3 (ebook) (Order Info)
  13. The Best of HeroicStories (v2) (Editor, 2002) ISBN 978-0-935309-52-2 (Order Info)
  14. This is True (v9): Science Confirms: Politicians Lie (2003) ISBN 978-0-935309-29-4 (paper), 978-0-935309-69-0 (Order Info)
  15. Honorary Unsubscribe (v2): Recognizing the Unknown, the Forgotten, and the Obscure People who Had in Impact on Our Lives (2001-2003) ISBN 978-0-935309-14-0 (paper), 978-0-935309-02-7 (ebook) (Order Info)
  16. This is True (v10): Whale Flatulence Stuns Scientists (2004) ISBN 978-0-935309-30-0 (paper), 978-0-935309-70-6 (ebook) (in press)
  17. This is True (v11): Chicken Ticketed for Crossing the Road (2005) ISBN 978-0-935309-31-7 (paper), 978-0-935309-71-3 (ebook) (in press)
  18. The True Stella Awards: Honoring real cases of greedy opportunists, frivolous lawsuits, and the law run amok (2005) Dutton, ISBN 978-0-525-94913-8 (hardcover, order info), 978-0-452-28771-6 (paper, order info), (ebook, order info)
  19. This is True (v12): Teen Sex Survey Reveals Lying Is Rampant in Teen Sex Surveys (2006) ISBN 978-0-935309-32-4 (paper) 978-0-935309-72-0 (ebook) (in press)
  20. Honorary Unsubscribe (v3): Recognizing the Unknown, the Forgotten, and the Obscure People who Had in Impact on Our Lives (2004-2006) ISBN 978-0-935309-15-7 (paper), 978-0-935309-03-4 (ebook) (Order Info)
  21. This is True (v13): Much of the Adult Population Are Poor Role Models (2007) ISBN 978-0-935309-33-1 (paper), 978-0-935309-73-7 (ebook) (in press)
  22. This is True (v14): Official Statistics Say Don’t Trust Official Statistics (2008) ISBN 978-0-935309-34-8 (paper), 978-0-935309-74-4 (in press)
  23. This is True (v15): Man Arrested after Chicken Was Found in Pants (2009) ISBN 978-0-935309-35-5 (paper), 978-0-935309-75-1 (in press)
  24. Honorary Unsubscribe (v4): Recognizing the Unknown, the Forgotten, and the Obscure People who Had in Impact on Our Lives (2007-2009) ISBN 978-0-935309-16-4 (paper), 978-0-935309-04-1 (ebook) (Order Info)
  25. This is True (v16): One-Legged Suspect Caught with One Stolen Shoe (2010) ISBN 978-0-935309-36-2 (ebook), 978-0-935309-76-8 (ebook) (in press)
  26. This is True (v17): Police Charge One-Armed Man with Unarmed Robbery (2011) ISBN 978-0-935309-37-9 (paper), 978-0-935309-77-5 (ebook) (in press)
  27. The Internet Spam Primer: Help with Spam, Phishing, and Other E-Mail Pests (2012) ISBN (ebook) 978-0-935309-00-3 (Order Info)
  28. This is True (v18): Man Exposes Himself at Association for the Blind (2012) ISBN 978-0-935309-38-6 (paper), 978-0-935309-78-2 (ebook) (in press)
  29. Honorary Unsubscribe (v5): Recognizing the Unknown, the Forgotten, and the Obscure People who Had in Impact on Our Lives (2010-2012) ISBN 978-0-935309-17-1 (paper), 978-0-935309-05-8 (ebook) (Order Info)
  30. Savvy Visitor: The Fun Guide to Colorado’s San Juan Mountain Region (with Kit Cassingham, 2013) ISBN 978-0-935309-99-7 (out of print)
  31. This is True (v19): Man on Singles Holiday Finds Himself Alone (2013) ISBN 978-0-935309-39-3 (paper), 978-0-935309-79-9 (ebook) (in press)
  32. This is True (v20): Stolen Prosthetic Arm Discovered in Second Hand Shop (2014) ISBN 978-0-935309-40-9 (paper), 978-0-935309-80-5 (in press)
  33. This is True (v21): Drunk Man Says Dog Drove Him to the Store (2015) ISBN 978-0-935309-41-6 (paper), 978-0-935309-81-2 (ebook) (in press)
  34. Honorary Unsubscribe (v6): Recognizing the Unknown, the Forgotten, and the Obscure People who Had in Impact on Our Lives (2013-2015) (in press)
  35. This is True (v22): Animal Rights Activist Beaten with Duck (2016) ISBN 978-0-935309-42-3 (paper), 978-0-935309-82-9 (ebook) (in press)
  36. This is True (v23): Psychic Hit by Car Says He Never Saw it Coming (2017) ISBN 978-0-935309-43-0 (paper), 978-0-935309-83-6 (ebook) (in press)
  37. Honorary Unsubscribe (v7): Recognizing the Unknown, the Forgotten, and the Obscure People who Had in Impact on Our Lives (2016-2017) (in press)
  38. This is True (v24): Parent Wants Book about Book Bans Banned (2018) ISBN 978-0-935309-44-7 (paper,) 978-0-935309-84-3 (ebook) (in press)
  39. This is True (v25): Hospital Evacuated after People Report Feeling Sick (2019) ISBN 978-0-935309-45-4 (paper), 978-0-935309-85-0 (ebook) (in press)
  40. Honorary Unsubscribe (v8): Recognizing the Unknown, the Forgotten, and the Obscure People who Had in Impact on Our Lives (2018-2019) ISBN 978-0-935309-20-1 (paper), 978-0-935309-08-9 (ebook) (in press)
  41. This is True (v26): Marijuana in Bra Leads to Bigger Bust (2020) ISBN 978-0-935309-46-1 (paper), 978-0-935309-86-7 (ebook) (in press)
  42. This is True (v27): Silent Disco Ended over Noise Complaints (2021) ISBN 978-0-935309-47-8 (paper), 978-0-935309-87-4 (ebook) (in progress, 2022)
  43. Honorary Unsubscribe (v9): Recognizing the Unknown, the Forgotten, and the Obscure People who Had in Impact on Our Lives (2020-2021) (in press)
  44. This is True (v28): Subtitle TBD (2022) ISBN 978-0-935309-48-5 (paper), 978-0-935309-88-1 (ebook) (in press)
  45. This is True (v29): Crack Dealer Arrested on Weed Street (2023) ISBN 978-0-935309-49-2 (paper), 978-0-935309-89-8
    (ebook) (in press)
  46. Honorary Unsubscribe (v10): Recognizing the Unknown, the Forgotten, and the Obscure People who Had in Impact on Our Lives (2022-2023) (in press).
  47. This is True (v30): Subtitle TBD (2024).
  48. Honorary Unsubscribe (v11): Recognizing the Unknown, the Forgotten, and the Obscure People who Had in Impact on Our Lives (2024-2025) (in progress).
  49. This is True (v31): Subtitle TBD (2025)(in progress)