Collar that Dog
A Polk County (Fla.) Sheriff’s detective was sitting in his unmarked patrol car outside a convenience store in Lakeland, and happened to notice a man wearing baggy pants walk into the store. The deputy could see the man inside the store through the windows, and watched as he started putting quart bottles of motor oil into his pants. Then he knocked a stack of DVDs onto the floor, bent down, and scooped those into his pants too. The man then came outside without paying, so Det. Phil Ryan confronted him. Ryan ordered William Jason Hall, 38, to remove all the merchandise from his pants. It included 15 quarts of motor oil and 30 “Treasure Hunt” DVDs featuring the adventures of Lassie. Hall was arrested on theft charges. (RC/Lakeland Ledger) ...Bad man stole from the shopkeeper? Show me where, Lassie!Original Publication Date: 25 June 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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