Story Archive

Come On and Rescue Me

Steve Shapiro, 71, and Bob Weise, 71, bought a yacht in Norway and set off to sail across the Atlantic. After nine rescues by emergency crews from Norway, Denmark, Ireland and the U.K., they are now stranded in Hale, England. Shapiro faces a $14,000 repair bill, and may be aborting the trip. “I’m not a serious explorer,” Shapiro admits, “I’m more of a playboy.” The latest incident — a blaze started by a candle left burning when the men went ashore — brought a scolding from Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, the first person to sail non-stop around the globe. “This is no longer a joke,” he says. “They need to show a greater sense of responsibility and frankly either pack it in or, I hate to say it, get the hell out of our waters as soon as possible.” (MS/NBC) ...It’s time for them to sail into the sunset.
Original Publication Date: 28 February 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.

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