Criminally Inept
After two robberies netted $4,220 from a bank in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and a credit union in Miramar, investigators were anxious to get the lone, female, robber. The break came when the second demand note, which was left behind, had fingerprints. Those were matched to Ashley Cambridge, 27, and a mug shot from an earlier arrest resembled a good security camera photo taken at the first robbery. Cambridge was apprehended at her Hollywood apartment hours after the second robbery and, when shown the security camera photos, she circled herself in several photos and wrote “me” by them, and then signed her name. Police say the demand notes she passed to tellers started with, “Don’t try anything stupid.” (RC/South Florida Sun Sentinel) ...Because she knows how bad things can get when you do something stupid.Original Publication Date: 03 July 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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