Story Archive

Darwin’s Bath

The U.S. National Park Service reports that Colin Scott, 23, and his sister Sable Scott, left the boardwalk near Pork Chop Geyser in Yellowstone National Park, Wy. “They were specifically moving in that area for a place that they could potentially get into and soak,” as if the thermal pools were hot tubs, Deputy Chief Ranger Lorant Veress said. “I think they call it hot potting.” Sable recorded the incident on video: “Her brother was reaching down to check the temperature of a hot spring when he slipped and fell into the pool.” Colin died in the boiling hot, churning, acidic water, and while search and rescue rangers were able to locate his body, a lightning storm hampered recovery efforts. When they returned the next day, there were no remains to be found: his body was apparently dissolved by the acids. Veress says warning signs are there for a reason — not only “to keep people from doing that” but “also to protect the resources because they are very fragile.” No citations were issued for the incident. (MS/KULR Billings) ...If his family didn’t learn from the price already paid, a citation won’t help.
Original Publication Date: 04 December 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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