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Gregory Dike, 38, was jailed in the U.K. for 11 years after confessing to four bank robberies, an attempted robbery, and a firearms offense. Dike’s spree hit banks in Leeds, Liverpool, Middlesex, and Rowley Regis. His total take: 6,475 pounds (US$10,000). He was caught when he tried to use a taxi as a getaway vehicle, but the driver, realizing what was happening, refused to wait. Dike had apparently researched his crimes in advance, downloading several online crime guides, including one titled How to Rob a Bank. “He was undoubtedly a beginner — we found robbery ‘self-help’ downloads on his phone,” Detective Constable Darren Brown said, “and struck across the country in the hope it would be difficult for police forces to make links.” (MS/BBC News) ...Time to download “How to Survive a Lengthy Prison Term”.
Original Publication Date: 01 March 2015
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 21.

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