Story Archive

Eeek Coli

E. coli was discovered in a Rockland, Maine, park, so workers were assigned to clean up the dog waste and spread lime. But now officials have discovered something else: the E. coli isn’t from dogs — it’s from humans. Has someone been using Snow Marine Park as an outhouse, or is the human waste coming from inside a house? The leading theory: the bacteria is coming from the harbor near the park, which is contaminated by sewage from three houses whose sewer lines were overlooked when a sewer plant was set up 60 years ago. The park is closed while the lines are being repaired. (AC/Bangor Daily News) ...Why is the park more dangerous now than it’s been for the past 60 years?
Original Publication Date: 31 August 2014
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 21.

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