Did you find an error or problem in an issue? This is the place to check it out: if it’s not mentioned here, please use the form below to report it. Reports will stay here for around 4 weeks before they roll off the bottom, so if you’re behind on reading you may not find an answer.
For general comments or questions, please simply reply to the newsletter email or comment here.
16 Feb 1601 | None. | None. |
9 Feb 1600 | A word got deleted from a slug: Who Are You Calling “Craven”? | None. |
2 Feb 1599 | None. | None. |
26 Jan 1598 | Typos: Here’s my guess based on… and rains drivingen by…. | None. |
PLEASE Read This Before Using the Form:
- Please don’t submit an error already included above! (Obvious? Apparently not: I constantly get reports that are already listed. Please slow down so you don’t waste your time or mine!)
- Useful Reports: Actual errors in stories, URLs, or other things that actually matter to readers.
- Non-Useful Reports: Typos in reader letters or ads. Such are not my error!
- Honorary Unsubscribe errors are not listed here; its archive is kept up-to-date with any changes or corrections, so check the particular person’s page first. If you find something not already corrected there, feel free to use the form below to report it.
Sorry this all sounds really grumpy, but all I’m really trying to do is avoid literally hundreds of reports saying the same thing, and save your time. Thus: Thank You for your useful reports!
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