Story Archive

Extra Bats in Her Belfry

Monica Milam, 40, allegedly stole a baseball bat from a Walmart in Nashville, Tenn. A few minutes later, a police officer spotted what Milam wanted it for: she was allegedly using it to beat on a car. Milam ran but was caught and allegedly admitted that she was attacking her ex-girlfriend’s car. A few minutes later, Calvin McClain — the car’s actual owner — showed up. Milam was arrested on suspicion of theft of merchandise and vandalism. McClain is considering pressing charges, saying this will be an inconvenience since he’ll have to ride the bus while his car is being repaired. (MS/WKRN Nashville) ...And he’ll have to explain to his girlfriend how someone else’s ex-girlfriend hit his car because she thought it was her girlfriend’s... — well, dear, it’s complicated.
Original Publication Date: 26 October 2014
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 21.

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