Freak of Nomenclature, Gruff Edition
Jonathan Smyth described a small rampage at the supermarket he manages in Carrickfergus, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. “I thought it was the bread man,” he said. “But when I turned around I just saw this massive goat standing on its two hind legs.” The goat chased customers, jumped on cars, and repeatedly butted the shop’s window. “There was not much we could do to stop it,” Smyth said. “It also butted one of our regular customers,” who had an ironic name: “Billy, who comes early every morning to get his paper. We had to quickly open the doors and drag Billy inside.” The rampage ended when a person believed to be the goat’s owner grabbed it by the horns and took it away. (MS/Sky) ...Maybe he was trying to get Billy to the bridge.Original Publication Date: 25 December 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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