Holy Rollers
Predictably, the “Religious Freedom” laws in several states are having unintended consequences. In Indianapolis, Ind., one of those side effects is The First Church of Cannabis, formed the day the law went into effect. “One Toke. One Smile. One Love.” noted the offering envelopes at its first service. Police were out in full force, and the church had to tell its congregants they could not use marijuana at the service. They didn’t want to risk arrests. Church founder Bill Levin (official title: “Grand Poobah”) promised to sue the state under Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act to allow members (he calls them “Cannaterians”) to use pot — and introduced them to “the best prayer on Earth: ‘I love you.’” The bottom line, Levin said, is “I’m not a criminal, I’m a religious figure.” (RC/Indianapolis Star) ...And here people were worried about gay marriage.Original Publication Date: 26 July 2015
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
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