Story Archive

House of (I.D.) Cards II

When Christopher Diiorio, 54, of Greensburg, Pa., was pulled over by police for a faulty brake light, he flashed his I.D. and badge showing he’s a Secret Service agent. Sure enough, a check showed there is a Secret Service agent named Christopher Diiorio — but the Christopher Diiorio who was pulled over wasn’t him; Diiorio owns Doodle Scoopers — a company that cleans up dog poop. He pleaded guilty in federal court to fraud, telling the judge he bought the fake I.D. and badge online to impress women on dating websites. He married one of the women he met, but not surprisingly, that marriage is already having problems. “Your honor,” he summarized, “I’m not a bad man, I’m a dumb man.” The judge went easy on him: two years of probation and a $500 fine. (RC/AP) ...Pooper scooper: clean up after thyself.
Original Publication Date: 09 April 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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