If You See Something, Say Nothing
Robert Gursky, 50, of Glastonbury, Conn., was at the bank and was startled to see that another customer was armed — he could see the bulge under the other man’s shirt. Gursky leaned over to the teller and told her, “Gun!” To make matters worse, Gursky tried to scribble her a note, too, with the word “gun” on it, but apparently didn’t want to stick around and quickly left. The teller hit the robbery alarm. Responding police tracked down both Gursky and the other man; the latter turned out to be a police officer. Gursky was arrested and charged with “breach of peace” for upsetting the bank staff, but the charge was thrown out at Gursky’s first court appearance. (RC/Hartford Courant) ...It could have been worse: Gursky could have pulled his own gun and started a shootout, and now be headed to prison for killing a cop.Original Publication Date: 24 November 2013
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
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