In Other News, Haircuts are Still $6 in Cleveland
A woman in Cleveland, Ohio, was upset that her young son’s haircut at the Allstate Barber College was taking too long. Rather than asking the student barber to hurry it up, she pulled a gun. “I got two clips,” she said while pointing the full-sized pistol at the barber. “I’ll pop you!” The barber managed to finish the cut, and the woman left with her two children without “popping” anyone. “You don’t know what people is thinking so yeah, she could have shot me, maybe even shot her son,” said the barber, Al Pugh. “Over a haircut. A six-dollar haircut. A six-dollar haircut,” Pugh said, shaking his head. As for the boy, “He didn’t move, he was numb to it.” (RC/WOIO Cleveland) ...Yeah, he’s probably used to her by now.Original Publication Date: 14 May 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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