Insert Fart Joke Here
Scotty McClure, 68, wrote the argument opposed to Measure W in Humboldt County, Calif., a tax measure proposing to rebuild the Jerold Phelps Community Hospital in Garberville. Proponents had the opportunity to rebut his argument, and they did. McClure, in turn, could write a “final rebuttal” to that. He wrote, in its entirety: “Insert fart smell here!” Kelly Sanders, the county registrar of voters, asked a court for permission to delete the “inappropriate” argument in the county’s Voter’s Pamphlet for the May special election. Judge Timothy Cissna asked a lot of pointed questions to Deputy County Counsel Joel Ellinwood, and then asked McClure what he thought. “I think I had better be quiet, because I think I’m winning,” McClure replied. “I don’t think it’s vulgar or approaches vulgarity,” Cissna ruled. “Bottom line, I am going to deny the petition.” McClure, a Southern Humboldt Unified School District board member, asked, “Did I win? I’m new at this.” (RC/North Coast Journal) ...He may have won, but if the only hospital within 50 miles of Garberville closes, everyone else may lose.Original Publication Date: 12 March 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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