Now We Know
“We’ll never really know what happened,” Joy Hansen wrote in a sympathy card to Kathleen Mills, after her husband died at the Aging Joyfully assisted-living center in Eden Prairie, Minn. Hansen is the owner of the facility. Bradley Mills, 79, had heart problems, but was doing OK, so the state investigated his death. Their findings: when an aide helped Mills to bed that night, she forgot to plug in his heart pump. It has batteries, but they only last a few hours, so when they died in the middle of the night, so did Mills. “I knew it was their mistake,” Mrs. Mills said. “But to sue, what does it get you?” (RC/Minneapolis Star-Tribune) ...Revenge.Original Publication Date: 19 March 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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