Story Archive

It’s Nice to Feel Wanted

When Damien Shrader of Swoyersville, Pa., was summoned for jury duty, Desiree Shrader had to go to the Luzerne County Courthouse to get him excused. “They formally excused him because he has preschool that day,” said Desiree, his mommy — Damien is 4 years old. “He’s always been a very serious child, but I didn’t think he was quite ready for that kind of a thing.” The Court Administrator said she thought Damien would make “a fantastic juror” in about 15 years, and theorized he got onto the juror roster after his great-grandmother bought him some stocks. (RC/WNEP Scranton) ...Which should also be pretty fantastic in about 15 years.
Original Publication Date: 29 April 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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