Junk in the Trunk x2
A Forks, Wash., Police Department officer pulled over a car belonging to a woman with an outstanding warrant. But when the officer approached, he saw Dennis Fisher in the driver’s seat, a small child in a car seat calling for its mommy, but no woman. The officer noticed one of the backseats was partially folded forward, and told Fisher he thought the mother was in the trunk. He gave Fisher the option of opening the trunk, or waiting there for a search warrant. “Fine,” Fisher said. “I’ll get her out.” The woman in the trunk replied, “Let me out!” Once the woman was arrested, she arranged for someone to pick up the baby, but as she hugged her child, she noticed something in the diaper. “What’s in the diaper?” she asked. “Poop,” Fisher replied. The woman changed the baby, and the officer noticed a plastic bag inside, allegedly containing a golf-ball-sized quantity of meth. Fisher was arrested, but was released after denying knowledge of the meth in the diaper, or the 13 “loaded” syringes in the car. Later, though, he was caught in a sting and was charged with distribution of heroin and methamphetamine, along with other related charges. (MS/Seattle Post-Intelligencer) ...And he thought he was in deep poop before.Original Publication Date: 31 December 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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