Story Archive

Keystone Crook

A man in Negaunee Township, Mich., was awakened by noises at his front door. According to the police report, he went to investigate and saw a man inside the house’s entryway. The homeowner yelled, and the intruder fled. Michigan State Police troopers located the suspect, who ran into the woods. Officers gave chase and eventually located the man — lying on the ground, unconscious: he had run into a tree and knocked himself out. The suspect, Jacob Roemer, 21, was arrested and charged with home invasion, and assaulting/resisting/obstructing a police officer. (MS/WLUC Marquette) ...He could get a reduced sentence by offering to recreate the chase for YouTube.
Original Publication Date: 06 November 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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