Story Archive

Laser-Like Focus

A goalie at a high school hockey game in Winthrop, Mass., was temporarily blinded when someone in the stands shined a laser pointer in her eye. “It’s kind of like when you look at the sun and then you look away you see that spot and you can’t see for a couple of seconds,” she said, adding that it affected her play. A school official saw who was doing it, and ordered Joseph Cordes to leave and never attend a school event again. He’s the father of a player on the Winthrop team. “My daughter, the humiliation I put her through, is sickening to tell you the truth,” Cordes said later, after being told he would be charged with disturbing the peace. “I feel like a complete jerk. It was very stupid, completely immature for a 42-year-old man to be doing that.” (RC/WBZ Boston) ...His thought processes tend toward obliviocy, but at least his feelings are right on the mark.
Original Publication Date: 01 April 2012
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 18.

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