Locked Out
Stan Lock is only 13, but has already suffered the loss of several friends and family members to cancer. And while he’s only 13, he decided he could do something about it: he set up a fundraising campaign asking for contributions for a cancer care center. In exchange for pledges, he offered to shave his head. But officials at his school, Churchill Academy in North Somerset, England, didn’t care about Lock’s motives, just his locks: he was not only put in in-school suspension for his “extreme haircut,” but he was banned from attending classes, and forced to spend the entire school day, including lunch and break times, in an isolation booth. The punishment’s duration was set as until his hair grows out to at least “number 2” clipper length, which may take weeks. “Isolation is one of the consequences for students that break our behavior policies,” said headmaster Barry Wratten. Until, that is, uproar over the school’s decision hit the media. Wratten backpedaled after four days, and let Lock back into class. Meanwhile, Lock’s fundraiser went nuts, with even fellow students and teachers contributing. He originally stated a goal of 100 pounds, but has raised more than 18,200 (US$27,000). (RC/Cheddar Valley Gazette) ...Next, a fundraiser to hire in a better headmaster. It’ll bring in millions!Original Publication Date: 22 February 2015
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 21.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 21.
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