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Look What the Dog Dragged In

Bill Flowers of Nisqually Reservation, Wash., was surprised when his dog, Liberty, dragged home a human leg. “I examined it,” Flowers said. “I picked it up, and looked at the toes and nothing. None of the leg or foot was damaged — from the knee down it wasn’t damaged at all.” But Flowers didn’t call the police. “I was afraid to call,” he said. “I’m 93 years old. I didn’t want to have to go to the pen for something I didn’t do.” So he buried the leg in his backyard and didn’t do anything else until he told his daughter about it four days later. “When I got home he told me, and I said, ‘Dad we have to call the police’,” Cheryl Flowers said. The police searched the area and eventually located a pelvis and rib cage in the woods. The investigation is ongoing. (MS/KOMO Seattle) ...Good dog. Bad owner.
Original Publication Date: 24 November 2013
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.

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