Story Archive

Making It Up as They Go Along

Jerry Denham of Madisonville, Tenn., has a daughter at Sequoyah High School. She’s a cheerleader, and Denham attends every game where she performs, and naturally brings his camera. But the school’s principal has banned Denham from coming onto school grounds unless he leaves his camera at home, even though other parents are allowed to bring their cameras to games. Denham is a professional photographer, and if he takes photos it’s a “violation” of the contract with another professional photographer, Christian Blaicher, who had been hired to take photos of sporting events. Blaicher was “upset,” school officials told Denham. But when he heard about the controversy, Blaicher said he never complained about Denham. School officials told Blaicher to “stay out of it,” so he canceled the contract with the school — on the grounds that the school is damaging his reputation. (RC/WTVY Dothan) ...Hey, Jerry Denham is a professional photographer. Maybe the school can hire him as a replacement.
Original Publication Date: 01 November 2015
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.

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