Story Archive

Morally Disabled

A woman was caught on video parking in a handicapped spot at the Davenport, Fla., city hall, getting out of her car unassisted, retrieving a large bag, and rolling it into the building. An invisible disability? Apparently not: the woman, Teresa “Darlene” Bradley, 60, doesn’t have a handicapped placard issued to her. She did, however, possess two placards issued to dead people; on one, the expiration date had been altered from 2013 to 2018. Bradley faces two felony charges, including use of I.D. belonging to a dead person. She’s been released on bond. Earlier this year, she was elected to her third term as mayor of Davenport. (AC/Orlando Sentinel) ...And the mayor’s assigned spot was too far from the door?
Original Publication Date: 24 December 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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