Next Stop, ICU
Even though it was in the afternoon daylight, a driver crashed into a patrolling Howell, N.J., police cruiser. The driver didn’t see the marked police SUV, or the stop sign he ran, investigators say, because he was looking at his cell phone. The crash interrupted the task assigned to the patrolling officer, Michael Moore. “Ironically, Patrolman Moore was enforcing the statewide ‘U Drive, U Text, U Pay’ campaign against distracted driving,” said Chief Andrew Kudrick. The officer was slightly injured; Gregory Nayvelt, 80, was cited for distracted driving. (RC/Trenton Times) ...U may think spelling it U is cool, but that doesn’t work on 80-year-olds.Original Publication Date: 30 April 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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