What a Drag
Pete Edward Maestas, 62, was supposed to be pulling 50,000 pounds of carrots through California’s Cajon Pass in two trailers. But he changed lanes and added something unplanned to his tractor’s load: the Nissan Maxima that was already in that lane. The car got stuck under one of the trailers and pulled along for the better part of a mile. Drivers honked at Maestas, trying to get him to stop. “He’s not stopping,” yelled the man in the Nissan to someone capturing the scene on cellphone video. Eventually the guy with the phone sped up, got Maestas’s attention, and made him aware of what he was doing. Responding officers let him drive away once the Nissan was freed; from what they could tell, he wasn’t drunk. (AC/Los Angeles Daily News) ...Had he been making cellphone videos instead of focusing on driving?Original Publication Date: 30 April 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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