Story Archive

No Cuts!

The newest pair of Nike shoes are extremely popular. So popular people camped out overnight outside a Brooklyn, N.Y., Foot Locker store for a chance to buy a pair of the $250 sneakers. So when Isaiah Martinez, 15, cut in line, the situation quickly went downhill. “They get into a scuffle and one of the guys on line left and told Isaiah he was coming back with a gun,” Martinez’s friend Edison Cartagena, 21, said. “He came back and just fired off four shots.” The shooter could not be found, but Martinez was hit in the foot and was taken to the hospital. “I don’t think anyone should lose their life over a pair of sneakers,” Cartagena said. “Thankfully he’s OK. The whole thing is just crazy.” Because of the incident the store opened at 11:00 a.m. instead of 8:00 a.m. as scheduled. The shoes were sold out by 6:00 p.m. (MS/New York Daily News) ...What’s crazier, that someone was shot over shoes, or that enough people still came after the shooting to run through their inventory?
Original Publication Date: 04 May 2014
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.

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