Not too Sharpie
Police in Alexandria, N.H., posted a photo on Facebook as a warning: you can’t use a piece of a plastic cheese wrapper as a fake vehicle registration sticker. “We can’t even file this under the ‘A for effort’ category,” they said in the post. The driver also faked a vehicle inspection sticker, which is two violations that could result in a fine of as much as $2,400, plus the car was impounded. The very same day, the Florida Highway Patrol’s Orlando office posted a photo on Twitter as a warning: you can’t use a “Sharpie” marker to renew your own registration sticker. “Renewing tag right way-$70,” they said in the post. “Permanent marker-$2. Night in jail-$500+. Driver’s face when you ask if they think this would work... priceless.” (RC/WMUR Manchester, WKMG Orlando) ...And both of the drivers thought they were the first ones to think of this.Original Publication Date: 21 May 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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