Now Here’s a Gem of a Story
A woman went on a TV news show in Cambridge, England, to say her fiancé was upset when he came home to see the shadow of another man in the room with her. The woman, who says her name is Amethyst Realm, explained that it wasn’t a man per se, but rather a ghost — and sex with the spirit was good. So good that after that encounter 12 years ago, she dumped her fiancé and now has sex exclusively with ghosts. The female news anchor asked Realm if a live human might be better, since wouldn’t she like to have children someday? “I’ve done a bit of research into phantom pregnancies,” Realm replied. “There’s a possibility that it is a ghost in you but people don’t know how to carry it to full term.” In the past dozen years, she told viewers, she has had sex with 14 other ghosts since that first one. The male news anchor noted, “I could imagine you’ve got quite a name for yourself in the spirit world.” (RC/Cambridge News) ...Typical male reaction, Caspering aspersions at her.Original Publication Date: 24 December 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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