Paging Mr. Chad — Mr. Hanging Chad
Florida’s Broward County has trouble on its election ballots, which have already been mailed to 173,000 voters. The county, which was included in the Bush v. Gore 2000 presidential election lawsuit over faulty ballots, has a typo this year in a question about a sales tax increase. The ballots include English, Spanish, and Creole, and rather than having a choice of “NO/NO/NON” and “YES/SI/WI”, the latter choice reads “YES/SI/NO”. Will voters be confused by the choice of “Yes/No”? “There is a line that starts with ‘yes’, and there’s a line that starts with ‘no’,” offers Elections Supervisor Dr. Brenda Snipes. How did the mistake get by “multiple” proofreaders? “I honestly don’t know,” Snipes said. “I had a group that I sent to proofreading training so we’d be prepared.” (RC/South Florida Sun Sentinel) ...Because it takes special training to know that “Yes/No” isn’t a valid ballot choice — and they still failed the final exam.Original Publication Date: 16 October 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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