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Play Misty for Me

In 2010, Patricia Ann Spann, 37, of Duncan, Okla., had her two-year marriage annulled by the request of her 20-year-old husband. His grounds for the request: Spann was his mother. No criminal charges were filed in the case. In 2016 Spann got married again, this time to a woman after Oklahoma legalized same-sex marriage. Her new spouse has also been granted an annulment. This time the judge ruled Spann had “induced” Misty Velvet Dawn Spann, 26, “by fraud to enter the marriage.” How so? Patricia had told Misty that she “consulted with three separate attorneys who advised there would be no problems with the marriage,” which was “because her name was no longer listed on Misty’s birth certificate.” That’s right: Patricia is Misty’s mother. Spann, now 45, pleaded guilty to criminal incest, a felony, and was sentenced to 2 years in prison, 8 years of probation, and ordered to register as a sex offender. (RC/Oklahoma City Oklahoman) ...By then, her grandchildren ought to be of age....
Original Publication Date: 25 March 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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