Really Wanted a Shotgun Wedding
A wedding in Murfreesboro, Tenn., ended on a sour note when someone allegedly pointed a gun at the groom — the bride. The just-wedded Kate Elizabeth Prichard, 25, says police Sgt. Kyle Evans, “pulled out of her wedding dress a 9 mm pistol. Pointed it at her new husband’s head and pulled the trigger.” It didn’t go off: she apparently didn’t have a round in the chamber. She yanked the slide and was then able to shoot; she fired into the air, causing the wedding guests to run, Evans said. Prichard, still in her wedding gown, was arrested in their honeymoon suite at the Clarion Inn, where officers said they found the couple arguing. She was taken to jail. (RC/WTVF Nashville) ...Well, it’s true love: the guests all ran, but he didn’t.Original Publication Date: 27 August 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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