Risk-Taking, Louisiana Style
Gideon Hodge, 35, was at work when his fiancée called to say his Broadmoor, La., apartment building was on fire; it had spread from the house next door. Hodge rushed home, ran past the firefighters yelling at him to stop, and dashed inside. An aspiring actor and writer, Hodge had two completed novels on his laptop — and only on his laptop. “Anybody that’s ever created art, there’s no replacing that,” Hodge said after successfully retrieving his computer. “It’s got pretty much my life’s work.” (RC/Baton Rouge Advocate) ...Seems reasonable: if you can’t save it and were dumb enough not to have a backup, you may as well die with it.Original Publication Date: 09 October 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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