Round and Round They Go
Residents of the San Francisco, Calif., Excelsior District say a roundabout was added to an intersection to discourage sideshows and speeding, but it seems to be having an opposite effect. “It’s like an obstacle course. Without it, it’s no fun,” said one resident. “Now it’s more fun for them because it’s challenging.” A video from a nearby business’s surveillance camera shows just how challenging it can be. In the video, a car was doing donuts in the intersection when the passenger door popped open and a teenager was ejected. “He was crying,” said Gil Figueroa, owner of the Don Chuy restaurant; his camera captured the video. “It hurt.” Figueroa knew the teen — he’d been in recently, on crutches from another injury. (MS/KPIX San Francisco) ...So maybe the problem’s not the new roundabout after all.Original Publication Date: 31 December 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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