Show Me the Tootsies
Pastor John Lindell of the James River Church in Joplin, Mo., says Kristina Dines experienced a “creative miracle” during a prayer service hosted by Bill Johnson at Bethel Church in Redding, Calif. According to Lindell’s account, “prayer team members” prayed over Dines and the three toes that had been amputated after her then-husband shot her in the foot. “As the ladies prayed for Krissy over the next 30 minutes, all three toes grew, and by that point, were longer than her pinky toe,” Lindell proclaimed. “Within an hour, nails began to grow on all the toes.” In a video, “I can stand on tippy-toes!”, Dines said. “No, I couldn’t do that [before] because I didn’t have toes to tippy on.” Because of the lack of actual evidence, such as photos, many are understandably skeptical. To address that, a website has been set up asking for proof of the regrown tippy-toes: Lindell, meanwhile, has continued to proclaim the power of prayer: “Some of you are going to raise people from the dead,” he preached. “I’m not saying everybody will be raised from the dead. I’m just saying there are some people in this room — you’re gonna raise people from the dead. It’s going to happen.” (MS/Springfield News-Leader) ...He doesn’t have a prayer.Original Publication Date: 02 April 2023
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 29.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 29.
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