Signs of the Times
It started with a sign outside EAV Barbell Club in Atlanta, Ga., that used some vulgar language to emphasize the gym’s “No Cops” policy. “We’ve had an explicitly stated ‘No Cop’ policy since we opened,” owner Jim Chambers said. “And we also don’t open membership to active members of the military.” The sign hit the news when a viewer sent in a photo, which started a backlash. Village Fitness started receiving phone calls and visitors asking about the sign. “I’m like, wait a second — that’s definitely not us,” said Tara Perry of Village Fitness. “We do not feel that way.” It turned out that when people Googled East Atlanta Gym, Village Fitness was the first thing to come up, and people mistakenly believed that was the gym with the sign. Village Fitness thus put out their own sign: “We Support Police and Our Military”. (MS/WXIA Atlanta) ...Now everybody can go to the gym that works for them.Original Publication Date: 27 August 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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