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A school bus driver in West Palm Beach, Fla., was having a hard time getting the kids from Westwood Elementary School to settle down on the way home from school. When he got to a stop, the kids rushed for the door — but Joseph Beauzile, 40, wouldn’t let them out until they lined up in orderly fashion. That brief delay outraged the parents waiting for their children. A mother forced her way into the bus and pulled the emergency brake release. Beauzile called for police and tried to keep the door closed, but a father tore the door open and started punching him. Surveillance video shows children crying — and one bailing out the window to the street to get away — as one man held the driver down for another to punch him; one of the men pulled the keys out of the ignition and tossed them out. At least three parents, aged 25–33, have been arrested. (RC/South Florida Sun-Sentinel) ...Perfect role models for the next generation of Floridiots.Original Publication Date: 04 May 2014
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
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