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The original reason Oviedo, Fla., police stopped Karlos Cashe was failure to use headlights. But then officers saw white powder scattered in the car and figured it might be something much more expensive than the drywall dust Cashe, a handyman, told them it was. Then officers checked an outdated database and concluded he was violating a curfew imposed on him as part of his probation on drug charges. A drug dog and a field test both said something was up with the car. Cashe was held without bail. Later tests proved his car had drywall dust in it, as he said. (AC/WFTV Orlando) ...If you’ve got cocaine scattered all over your car, you must be a pretty incompetent drug dealer — or an incredibly successful one.
Original Publication Date: 09 July 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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