The Duke of Kershaw
According to authorities, a Kershaw County, S.C., deputy clocked a car driving 105 mph on an interstate highway. When the deputy attempted to pull the car over, the driver accelerated, starting a high-speed chase. After exiting the freeway, the driver lost control and flipped the car two to three times — but he landed upright and kept going. A few minutes later, the driver lost control again and came to a stop. The deputy was able to get the man, identified as Malik Shoulders, 18, out of the car and arrest him. Shoulders allegedly told deputies he ran because he had marijuana in his car, and didn’t have a driver’s license. He was charged with failure to stop for police, possession of marijuana, no valid driver’s license, and speeding. (MS/WLTX Columbia) ...That’s a huge weight off of someone’s Shoulders.Original Publication Date: 05 March 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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