There’s Always Someone Choosing to Be Offended
The “Fat Cupcake” — a store in Portland, Ore. — is under fire for a confection they call “Mr. President”: an Oreo cookie baked into a white cupcake. They’ve been called racists, in that the president is black. Shop owner Anjelica Hayes says she’s not racist. She says she is very involved in the community. “We have driven around Portland to give away cakes to the homeless,” she said, “and donated thousands of cupcakes to the community.” As for the cupcake, “I just thought it was an honorary name. I thought I’d be honored if someone named a cupcake after me.” But does all that mean she’s not prejudiced against black people? Hayes has an answer for that: “I myself am black.” (RC/Portland Oregonian) ...So is she obese, to make the store name OK too?Original Publication Date: 06 November 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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