Story Archive

This Is Why There Are Mother-in-Law Houses

A couple in Ireland divorced after the marriage had “irretrievably broken down.” The causes of the breakdown: financial issues, and the presence of the wife’s mother in the home. “I cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner for her non-stop,” the husband said. “I make her favorite dish, sherry trifle, and she pours the extra bit of sherry in for herself.” According to the man’s court testimony, his mother-in-law, 78, broke “several boundaries” during the marriage, such as coming into the couple’s bedroom while they were in bed, rearranging his clothes, and walking into the bathroom while he was drying off from a shower. The man intends to be recompensed for the trouble he says he had to deal with: he informed his future ex-wife that he would be billing her for the costs of accommodating his mother-in-law. “I can expect from his solicitor a bill for my mother staying in the family house,” the wife told the court, since already, “I pay all the bills.” (MS/Irish Times) ...Take it out of his allowance.
Original Publication Date: 22 April 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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