Too Proud to Spy
“This is probably the last place you would want to try to burglarize,” observed Evan Tannenbaum. “We got a whole bunch of surveillance cameras.” He manages the Spy Spot Investigations Spy Store in Deerfield Beach, Fla., and they have warnings posted that some of the cameras are in use. Nevertheless, someone decided to take a crack at it. He starts by throwing a rock at the shop door, as shown on video. “And at one point, it looks like he can tell he’s on camera, but he doesn’t stop,” said Tannenbaum. “Then he comes back, basically kicks the door again, tries to push it with his hands and then walks away.” He left behind clear video of his face. (AC/WSVN Miami) ...It’s actually a test. If they can find him, he’ll buy their products.Original Publication Date: 15 January 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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