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Truth in Advertising, Floridumb Edition

According to a Pasco County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office arrest report, John Balmer, 50, was in line at a Kmart store when a deputy came in. Balmer saw the deputy and allegedly tried to hand a “bag of green leafy substance” to the person behind him, who refused to take it. Balmer put the bag on the floor and went to pay. When another deputy approached, store workers told him about the bag. Balmer was arrested, but declined to speak. His shirt, however, spoke on his behalf: “Who needs drugs?” the black T-shirt read. Below that, it said, “No, seriously, I have drugs.” He was charged with marijuana and methamphetamine possession. (MS/Tampa Bay Times) ...No wonder the guy behind him refused it; he’d need the shirt, too.
Original Publication Date: 01 February 2015
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 21.

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