Story Archive

Until the Cows Come Home

David “Frog” Wethington, 71, was a Casey County, Ky., magistrate until he was defeated in a primary election by Bart Woodrum. This may explain why Wethington was later accused of hitting Woodrum with his car while Woodrum was moving cattle from one field to another. According to the arrest warrant, Wethington “failed to stop his motor vehicle and drove his motor vehicle through the cattle blowing his horn and laughing.” Wethington was charged with first-degree wanton endangerment, a felony, and failure to give reasonable precaution to an animal being ridden or driven. But in court, County Attorney Tommy Weddle said Woodrum didn’t want Wethington jailed, he just wanted the conduct to stop. “These folks are neighbors and don’t need to be having any problems out there,” said Wethington’s attorney, Cameron Griffith. Under a plea agreement, Wethington pleaded guilty to second-degree wanton endangerment, a misdemeanor, and was sentenced to six months in jail, conditionally discharged for two years on the condition there are no further complaints or violations of law. (MS/Lexington Herald) ...So he’d best keep his wantonness to the lowest degree.
Original Publication Date: 05 February 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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