Story Archive

We Do Chicken — Right?

“I was driving by,” says Elena Headrick of Waynesboro, Ga., and “I saw this giant Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket in my yard.” She not only did a double-take, “I thought for sure I was hallucinating, so I called my teenagers who were at home and had them go outside.” It was there all right, and she had no idea who put it there or why until she heard from her landlord. Freddie Taylor collects signs, and he liked that one because the restaurant’s name is spelled out, rather than just say “KFC”. That makes it more collectable, and he plans to leave it in the yard — though he does intend to mount it on a pole. And what does Headrick think of that? “It’s unusual,” she said, but “we can just say, ‘Come down to the giant KFC bucket and turn right.’” (RC/CNN) ...Which will be fun until she tires of people stopping in, wanting dinner.
Original Publication Date: 18 August 2013
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.

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