What Kind of Mate Are They Contemplating?
Chess Grandmaster Susan Polgar isn’t sure children should see it. Grandmaster Nigel Short thinks it might suggest organizers of the upcoming World Chess Championship “are giving the chess world a good [mating — spelled with an F].” It’s the London, England, tournament logo, and it features two bodies with their legs intertwined under a board. “We’ve been busy for over a year working with artists and designers to develop a perfect key visual,” said a spokesman for the organizers. It’s so perfect it has a six-by-six board with just one piece visible on it: a pawn. (AC/London Telegraph) ...So there’s at least one thing here that’s not a realistic representation of chess.Original Publication Date: 31 December 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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