When Good GPS Goes Bad
Katie Barnett was surprised to discover her Vinton County, Ohio, home had new locks and was completely cleared out. But it wasn’t burglars, it was the bank. “They repossessed my house on accident, thinking it was the house across the street,” Barnett said. “They told me that the GPS led them to my house. My grass hadn’t been mowed and they just assumed.” In a statement, the bank said it wanted to compensate Barnett fairly and equitably. But when Barnett asked for $18,000, they balked. They “demanded that I had receipts for all my stuff that they threw away,” Barnett said. “And I said, ‘Well, you know first of all, I don’t have receipts for all of my stuff. I wasn’t expected a bank to come and to accidently repossess my house and throw it all away. And second, if I did, where do you think it would be? In my house with all my belongings?’” She has retained a lawyer. (MS/WBNS Columbus) ...Interesting. When people rob a home, it’s usually the state that retains a lawyer.Original Publication Date: 28 July 2013
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
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