Worst. Pickup Line. Ever
Keveen Quintanilla, 31, was allegedly caught burgling a San Mateo, Calif., restaurant, but fled before police could arrive. Employee Ashleigh Cullen, 22, said she had previously met him when she was taking out the recycling late one night. “He said he’d seen me around and wanted to hang out, which was strange since it was already 1:00 a.m. when he approached me,” Cullen said. So, police started texting Quintanilla, pretending to be Cullen and setting up a first date. “This genius decided, ‘Sure, OK,’ and he showed up there on Burlingame Avenue,” said San Mateo County District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe. Quintanilla was met by undercover officers, arrested, and charged with five felonies, including burglary, and possessing methamphetamine. “This is a simple case, once again proving when you think not with your brain but with your emotions, such as this idiot was doing, you end up in the county jail,” Wagstaffe said. (MS/KNTV San Jose) ...He now has a guaranteed date — with a judge.Original Publication Date: 13 April 2014
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
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