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Would You Like Fries with That?

A police officer on patrol in Miramichi, N.B., Canada, probably couldn’t believe his eyes: an occupied couch in the drive-thru at a McDonald’s, at 3:19 a.m. The sofa, with two men aboard, was being towed by an ATV. When the officer “put his lights on, of course he took off, the four-wheeler did, with the sofa still attached,” said Cpl. Lorri McEachern. The two unnamed men, aged 28 and 39, were left behind. “The two passengers from the sofa, or the couch, or whatever you want to call it, were intoxicated,” and arrested, she said. The ATV driver escaped by driving onto the frozen Miramichi River, with the couch still attached. McEachern, the Canadian Press notes, said it is “illegal to tow a couch through a drive-thru.” (RC/Canadian Press) ...Either cite the specific vehicle code section, or give up on that idea.
Original Publication Date: 19 February 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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