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An Exhibit of Titanic Proportions

The Whitechapel district in London, England, had a massive problem: a giant “fatberg” weighing over 130 metric tons and blocking over 250 meters of the city’s sewer. Once the massive blob of fat, oil, grease, wet wipes, and sanitary products was cleared, most of it was converted to biodiesel. But a chunk of it was saved for the Museum of London’s “City Now City Future” exhibition. “Everything about fatberg is challenging, especially collecting and curating it,” said Vyki Sparkes, the museum’s curator of social and working history. “But, as the Museum of London, we cannot shy away from engaging with the challenges this city faces.” The exhibit works to encourage visitors to think about how we live in the modern age. “The Whitechapel fatberg,” Sparkes said, “will be one of the most fascinating and disgusting objects we have ever had on display.” (MS/Irish News) ...Just like the society that created it.
Original Publication Date: 24 December 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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